Monday, January 31, 2011

Cyclic Redundancy Checking Ensures Correct Data Communications

Electronic systems must often endure temperature extremes, noise, or other harsh conditions. To ensure correct operation, many DACs implement cyclic redundancy checking (CRC), with 24-bit data augmented with an 8-bit checksum. If the received checksum does not agree with the data, an output pin indicates an error. The controller clears the error and resends the data.

HDMI Transceivers Simplify the Design of Home Theater Systems

As large-screen HDTVs have achieved widespread acceptance, consumers are expanding their home theater systems to include sound bars and AVRs, enhancing the user experience with superb audio to complement the video performance. Home theater systems can now offer all the latest features of the high-definition multimedia interface (HDMI®)—seamlessly integrated within the equipment.

Monday, January 17, 2011

Ask the Expert

Ask the Expert about designing analog front-ends for high speed A/D converters – Now through February 18.

Wednesday, January 05, 2011

Low Dropout Regulators—Why the Choice of Bypass Capacitor Matters

Widely seen as a panacea for solving noise issues, capacitors deserve more respect. Designers think that adding capacitors will cure noise problems, but give little thought to parameters other than value and voltage rating. But capacitors are not perfect; they possess parasitic resistance and inductance, their value varies with temperature and voltage, and they are sensitive to mechanical effects.

Electromagnetic Interference Filtering Reduces Errors in Precision Analog Applications

An often-overlooked problem in equipment using strain gages, transducer interfaces, and current monitors in medical, automotive, and industrial applications is high-frequency interference from external signals. This electromagnetic interference (EMI) can cause large dc offsets in precision analog circuitry through asymmetrical rectification of the RF signal in the input stages of an amplifier.